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South Doyle Agriculture Classes

2015-2016 School Year


Agriscience is an introductory laboratory science course that prepares students for biology, subsequent science and agriculture courses, and postsecondary study. This course helps students understand the important role that agricultural science and technology serves in the 21st century. In addition, it serves as the first course for all programs of study in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Cluster. Standards in this course are aligned with Tennessee Common Core State Standards

Applied Environmental Science

Applied Environmental Science focuses on the knowledge, information, and skills related to the fundamental science and management of ecosystems as well as careers, leadership and history of the industry. This course covers principles of environmental impacts, energy consumption, and ecosystem management. Standards in this course are aligned with Tennessee Common Core State Standards 

Natural Resource Management

Natural Resource Management is an applied-knowledge course for students interested in learning more about becoming good stewards of our environment and natural resources, as an environmental scientist, conservationist, forester, or wildlife manager. This course covers major types of natural resources and their management, public policy, the role of public education in managing resources, as well as careers, leadership, and history of the industry. Standards in this course are aligned with Tennessee Common Core State Standards

Plant and Soil Science

Plant and Soil Science is an applied-knowledge course focusing on the science and management of plants and soils with special attention given to current agricultural practices that support the healthy and sustainable cultivation of major crops. Students in this course will be exposed to a range of careers associated with the science and management of plants and soils and will develop the essential skills and knowledge to be successful in science- or agriculture-related occupations. Standards in this course are aligned with Tennessee Common Core State Standards




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